digital hedgehog illustration

Digital Hedgehog

Your bug eating buddy


How to Manage Slugs for Database Entities with Flask and SqlAlchemy

This tutorial is about the technique I use to manage slugs.


If you have ever tried to create a blog-like application or something that needs unique slugs, you might run on two problems:

  • How to not repeat yourself? Imagine you have articles, categories, and products, and they all need slugs.
  • What to do in a case where two or more entities have the same names used to generate slug?

Written by StefanJeremic on Apr 11, 2022


How to use Flask with Webpack

I had a hard time figuring out how to set up the Flask with Webpack. So this is the solution I came up with.


I have probably spent a week or two looking for some "best practices" for this problem: How to set up a Webpack for multi-page apps or websites? I haven't found many resources on the internet, so I decided to dedicate a blog post to it. Hopefully, you will find this helpful. So let's start!

Project Setup

Go on and create flask-with-webpack to try this out. The project structure should be like this.

Written by StefanJeremic on Dec 7, 2021


Welcome to My Blog!

Hello World! This is my first introductory blog post. Just to let you know what stuff will I cover here.

About Me

My Name is Stefan Jeremic, a full-stack web developer from Belgrade, Serbia. I started programming when I was 14, so I could say I'm developing more than half of my life. I've started as a game developer enthusiast when I was a teenager. Later on, I switched to web development and did some competitive programming during my studies. I like clean, well-optimized, and organized code. Well, who doesn't?

What will I cover

I will speak about Frontend and Backend topics, make some how-to articles. My primary backend language is Python. I have some experience with Flask and FastAPI. I use mostly Vue on the Frontend but started experimenting with Alpine.js these days. I hope you will enjoy the content here, so stay tuned!

Building blocks of this blog

I made this blog using Flask for backend. I've used Bulma as a CSS library. Alpine.js was used as the main javascript library. SQLite is the database of my choice cause I don't expect many people to hang out here. Hopefully, If I'm wrong, I will switch to something "stronger" in the future.

Written by StefanJeremic on Dec 7, 2021